fascinating reads

The "Story" about Glass Pipe ..

Once upon a time, in a land where smoke billowed and laughter echoed, there existed a remarkable glass pipe named Oliver. Oliver was no ordinary glass pipe; he possessed a vibrant personality and an insatiable curiosity that often led him into wild and wacky adventures.

On by Mark Marc 0 Comments

Why pirate captain are always one eye?

You probably see tons of pirate movies or movies about pirates, and you wonder why the captain always has one eye ? Ahoy, mateys! Avast ye and set sail on a whimsical journey as we unravel the mystery behind why pirates often cover one eye. Prepare to be entertained with tales of swashbuckling adventures, daring escapades, and a dash of pirate lore....

On by Mark Marc 0 Comments

Can you lick your elbow ? Fun facts

tired of reading article that try to sale, we want to post something fun weekly, for example Have you ever heard the age-old saying, "You can't lick your elbow"? It's a statement that has intrigued and challenged people for generations. From childhood playgrounds to casual conversations, this quirky claim has sparked curiosity and inspired countless attempts to prove it wrong. In this...

On by Mark Marc 0 Comments