Stoner News

How to Keepin' Yer Dab Rig Spick an' Span,

Y'all wanna keep that dab rig of yours lookin' as shiny as a new spur on a boot? Ain't always the simplest task, but sure as shootin', it's straightforward once ya get the hang of it. With a couple of tricks up your sleeve, a bit of regular upkeep, and a good ol' stash of cleanin' gear, your rig'll be lookin' brand...

On by Mark Marc 0 Comments

How to clean your Nector Collector ?

A nector collector is complicate tools, once while it require some cleans, and you dont know how, its not rocket science, here we going to show you how. Keeping your nectar collector clean is crucial for ensuring the best possible dabbing experience, preserving the purity of flavors, and extending the lifespan of your device. A nectar collector, an innovative tool for vaporizing...

On by Mark Marc 0 Comments

Ultimate Guide for Rolling Papers

Welcome to the craft of hand-rolling, a skill that transforms the smoking experience into something more personal and nuanced than what you'd get from a water pipe. Before we dive into crafting the perfect joint, let’s explore the myriad of paper choices available, each offering a unique twist to your rolling adventure. Choosing Your Paper: The World is Your Oyster

On by Mark Marc 0 Comments

What are Incyclers vs. Recyclers ?

In the ever-evolving world of water pipes, incyclers and recyclers stand out for their innovative designs and superior functionality. Both designed to refine and cool vapor or smoke, they offer a smoother, more flavorful experience. Here, we delve deeper into incyclers, compare them with recyclers, and highlight what makes each unique. Understanding Incyclers

On by Mark Marc 0 Comments

A Great Personal Guide to Quartz and Titanium

from my personal journey through the essential steps of priming my dab nail for the ultimate dabbing experience. As someone deeply immersed in the dabbing culture, whether you're a fellow enthusiast or just starting out, I've learned that knowing how to properly prepare your nail is key to unlocking the full potential of your concentrates. This ritual of preparation involves seasoning (specifically...

On by Mark Marc 0 Comments

What is frit glass pipe ?

  In the diverse spectrum of colored glass pipes, quality can vary greatly. The superior choices, such as Frit glass pipes, boast durability and intricate designs. On the other hand, lower-quality options use mere stickers or simple paints for color, which not only fade quickly but also emit unpleasant, potentially toxic odors when heated. So, what exactly sets a Frit glass pipe...

On by Mark Marc 0 Comments

why unbreakable glass pipe are best ?

Unbreakable glass pipes, also known as shatterproof or silicone pipes, have gained popularity for several reasons, making them a preferred choice for certain individuals:1. Durability: Unbreakable glass pipes are made from materials like silicone or other durable materials, which are highly resistant to breakage. Unlike traditional glass pipes, they can withstand accidental drops or impacts without shattering, making them ideal for outdoor...

On by Mark Marc 0 Comments