Guides & infos

Top 5 Benefits of Smoking Glass Pipe

Usually selecting for the smoking pipe is very necessary because people will choose the best option. Most of the people consider glass pipe the best option because the glass pipe belongs to the classical hand pipe category. If anyone does not want to use water then selecting the glass pipe with the cannabis is the best thing. The glass item is popular...

On by Mark Marc 0 comments

What is a dry herb vaporizer?

Most the Vaporizer can be use all sort of things, the only differenece is the atmoizer or the tank, by swiching the tank will alow you use oil with coil and heatplate with dry herb and other things,the only difference is the Tempeture dry herb have lower Tempeture and Wax have much higher Tempeture, when you use it make sure your deivce...

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Lets Learn the type of Glass hand pipes

Fumed glass pipe Fumed glass is glass that has been tinted in color by a specific method: Gold and/or silver are heated to high temperatures that release fumes and give the glass a colored, semi-opaque backside.

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The Five Ws about Nos Cracker

The Five Ws about Nos Cracker      So, what is the Nos cracker? Why are people so addicted to it? First things first, let’s have a common ground that people are addicted to the N20 or nitrous oxide in the nos cracker. how to use it ? Why use it . the harms of the human body. N20 for recreational purpose

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How to use water dog oil burner pipe

Waterdog oil pipes it been around for almost 10 years, there alot and alot people wonder how to use it, and I for one too, after tons google and research i found there is not clear idea how to use it anywhere. so after some test and experiments, finally i found out how to use it,  I'm gonna share  my opinions to...

On by Mark Marc 0 comments

How to correctly smoke a tobacco pipe?

If you are new to smoke pipe than it is really important to learn the way one should smoke. It is one of the most important thing to enjoy. Here are some of the steps that one can follow to get best smoking experience for oneself. They are -

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How to Clean Oil Burner easily

Everyone at once while you got to do some laundry right ? clean your dirty shirts undies, so you can reuse them next time, have fresh feelings, that go same for glass pipe.  Why do you  need to clean your glass pipe ? leave the residue inside the pipe may mix the the flavor and end up with weird taste, or if...

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